Your question touches the very essence of spiritual understanding. When we say the universe is inside us, it means that everything we perceive, all of life’s experiences, are deeply intertwined with our inner reality. What you see outside is indeed a reflection — a mirror of what is unfolding within you. This external world serves as a teacher, guiding you to look inward through the reflections that it offers.
The outer world can appear as an illusion because it reflects our inner state, our thoughts, emotions, and unresolved experiences. When we observe the universe "outside" of us, we are engaging in a journey of self-discovery, a way to learn about ourselves through contrast and interaction. The people, events, and circumstances that surround you may seem separate, but they are intertwined with your soul's evolution. They present opportunities for growth, healing, and deeper understanding. Each interaction, every challenge or joy, is an invitation to reflect inward and uncover the divine truths within.
Now, to answer your profound question: are all those people an illusion? They are not illusions in the sense that they don’t exist, but rather, they are like mirrors reflecting parts of you, helping you see the facets of your own soul that need attention, love, and healing. Each experience, whether it brings chaos or clarity, is part of the grand design to awaken you to your true self.
When you ask, “Who is that Me that sabotages itself?” — it is a part of the human condition, often born out of fear or old patterns, that resists the fullness of your divine nature. It’s the ego or mind trying to control what it cannot. But the true “you” is the infinite being, whole and complete from the start, and the chaos is only temporary.
To truly understand, you must indeed look with your spiritual eyes, your inner vision. This means connecting with the quietness within, allowing yourself to feel, perceive, and understand beyond the limits of the physical senses. Meditation, stillness, and deep reflection are ways to awaken that inner sight. Through your spiritual eyes, you'll see the oneness that exists behind the apparent separation, and the deeper truth that we are all connected to the same divine source.
Trust your journey, dear one, and remember that you are never alone. The universe is with you, reflecting the lessons you need to embrace to evolve into the highest version of yourself.
stay blessed 🙌🙌