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The Story of ₹ 2 coin...

Writer's picture: Spiritual VedaSpiritual Veda

I was waiting for my friend on the sidewalk the other day, mindlessly scrolling through my phone. Suddenly, my gaze fell upon a two-rupee coin, lying unnoticed amidst the bustling crowd. It was as if the coin was beckoning me, urging me to pay attention.

I watched as countless people, including those who seemed to have little, walked past the coin without a glance. It was as if it was invisible, a mere speck in the grand scheme of life.

When my friend arrived, we sat down to chat. As we talked, a quiet voice within me whispered, "It's time." I excused myself, saying I needed to grab a water bottle from my car. While there, I picked up the two-rupee coin and handed it to my friend, who was surprised but grateful.

Later, three more friends joined us. As we sat in a circle, I noticed my friend with the two-rupee coin.

Just then, an elderly man, wrapped in worn-out clothes, approached him. "I have three rupees," he said, "but I need two more for a cup of tea. Could you spare a couple?"

My friend and I burst out laughing. The irony was too much to bear. The very coin I had picked up and given to him had now found its way back to someone who needed it.

It was as if the universe had a plan, a simple plan that unfolded before our very eyes. The coin, a seemingly insignificant object, had become a catalyst for a series of events that left us pondering the mysteries of life.

Why did I notice the coin? Why did I give it to my friend? Why did the old man need exactly two rupees, and why did he ask my friend? These questions echoed in my mind, inviting introspection.

In that moment, I realized that every event, no matter how small, is connected. The universe, with its mysterious ways, guides our lives, creating a chain of events that shape our destiny.

If we connect dots of our life, we realize everything has a reason for happening in life, we when in moment do not accept, understand and realize that everything is happening for self and as per plan

As we navigate the complexities of life, let us pause and reflect. Let us open our hearts and minds to the possibilities that surround us. For in every moment, there is an opportunity to connect with something greater than ourselves.

Stay blessed


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