The three words are most easy and can be easily said but we take long time to say it or realize, the reason is simple, which I will share later in post but lets read those words:
I am sorry, I was wrong,
I love you,
I need help
We sometime take years to accept or share above words, because of our ego's which create a justification for our deeds that yes I was right or I am right, we never accept that we can also be wrong,

Being human and mortals, we can make mistakes, we can be at fault, as individual we are just one very tiny speck on the flower, we are not enough intelligent or knowledgeable that we are knowing everything and every experience existing with 7 billion humans and beyond,
Why we make it difficult to share, why it is difficult to say I need help, is our ego coming across, which justify us that I am not meant to ask help and will resolve self,

We all should remember, we do not know everything and its takes life after life to realize the existence, no one is 100% so its okay to share:
I am sorry, I was wrong,
I love you,
I need help
Don't spend entire life, just step out of your mental block and share, before its too late and too late to go back,